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West Grove Heights Lawn Seeding

Lawn Seeding West Grove Heights Company

Daniel's Lawn & Tree LLC

Lawn, Tree & Shrub Questions? Ask the Daniel's Lawn & Tree LLC! West Grove Heights fellow neighbors, Daniel's Lawn & Tree LLC has the answers you are looking for about the health of your lawn & landscape.

Mission Statement To provide lawn and tree care above and beyond customer expectations.

Price Quote Lawn Seeding West Grove Heights

Lawn Seeding & Overseeding Services

Daniel's Lawn & Tree LLC will seed your lawn in areas where growth is diminished, while also advising you on ways to improve grass growth in those areas.

Residential & Commercial Lawn Seeding Near Me West Grove Heights

Our overseeding services can be applied to your whole lawn, or portions of your lawn where your lawn is compromised. Overseeding can also be added as part of our lawn care service program, ensuring your lawn is being replenished with plenty of seed each year.

Watering After Seeding

Best West Grove Heights Lawn Seeding

1. Water every day For best results, we recommend watering every day for 10-15 minutes per zone, as the surface of the soil needs to remain damp. The hotter and windier it becomes outside the more frequently you will have to water.

Recent Client Service Area: 19390

2. Water around Mid-Day Usually, for established lawns, it’s recommended to water the lawn early in the morning right before dawn. This is not the case for a newly seeded lawn. You want the soil to be damp during the hottest part of the day, so water around 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. for best results.

Overseeding West Grove Heights

3. Continue to Water You should start to see the grass seed germinate after two weeks of consistent watering. Do NOT stop watering at this point. The freshly germinated grass still has a short root system and if the soil dries out between watering’s it could result in the grass dying. Once the grass becomes tall enough to mow you can cut back on watering to every 2-3 days. After 2-3 mowing’s you can switch watering to the early morning. Altogether the process takes around 5-10 weeks from when the grass seed was applied to when it has germinated and blends in with your lawn.

Verticutting – What is It?

  • Grass Seed Company West Grove Heights

Verticutting is a process that involves vertical mowing of your lawn to remove thatch buildup. Removing the thatch allows your lawn to breathe more easily, while also better absorb nutrients and water.

After verticutting, the treated area is then raked and overseeded.

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